As you can see, getting a visa was my primary option in life since I wanted to visit the USA to enjoy the paradise. I went to the U.S ambassador asking for a visa and then I got and I decided to stay in the USA. A month after I started to cry, I missed my family, my friend, my coworkers, and neighbors. My I 94 was expired fear, terror, depress me. I used to wear size 14 after two months I wear size 9. I did not know what to do because I was illegal. I could not go look for the job because of fear and I did not want police to arrest me on the street. I did not have high blood pressure back home in the use my …show more content…
Cultural differences generate a big problem in the universe. For instance, in the book of the Namesake they call Indian people three eyes because of the dot they have in the front of their heads, which is a part of the Indian culture. However, the dot is seen differently by other people. Because they are not familiar with the point on their heads, for some people the dot seems something crazy. This is one of the reasons they generalize the dot as three