Essay On Bed Bugs

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Pest Control Service/Bed-bugs-treatment

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t let the bed bugs bite?” I remember hearing it as a youngster when my mother would tuck me in for the night. Growing up in my generation (30’s+) many don’t even know that bed bugs are in fact a real nuisance pest.

Bed Bug History

Bed bugs have lived with humans since ancient times. They are mentioned in plays pre-dating 335 B.C. Fossilized bedbugs have been found during excavations of ancient Egypt. Pliny, the roman philosopher, wrote about bed bugs as a cure fore snake bites around 77A.D. Early American colonist wrote about their plight with bed bugs.

Bed bugs were practically eradicated from the United States near the end of World War II. Pesticides like DDT were responsible for getting rid of bed
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Carefully inspect all folds and seems, handles, etc. Be sure to repeat for both sides of the mattress.

Next focus on the box springs. This is often where bedbug signs are found most often. The felt bottom of the box springs must be removed for inspection and treatment. It should be thrown away. Do not keep it as it may contain eggs. Carefully inspect the box springs taking time to exam all folds, seems, and joints. Again we are looking for blood spots, blood excrement, cast skins and live bed bugs.

Next inspect the bed frame, including the headboard and foot board. Also check the baseboards, chair rails, crown molding, window trim, carpet tack, the frame work of any and all furniture in the room. Bed bugs typically rest within 15 feet of a feeding location. Check the backs of photos or picture frames. Check any and all electronics, lamps, clocks, even when curtains or blinds attach to the windows. The reality is that bed bugs live like roaches, in any crack or crevice, but they feed like ticks. Bed bugs have even been known to crawl up a wall and across the ceiling and drop down onto a target from above to

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