Ernesto Schiaparelli is recognised as a great Egyptologist however, many associate his work with other workers whom he partnered with. Schiaparelli made many discoveries while working at Deir el-Melinda and surrounding areas thus contributing greatly to the modern day understanding of the life and times of the …show more content…
Queen Nefertari was known to be one of the biggest finds as the tomb was greatly intact however, preservation methods had to take place due to how old the burial was. Decorations and paintings on the tomb walls provided great information for today’s generation as the clear depictions of the Queen was shown to hold the ultimate power within civilisation. Over many years, numerous international, multidisciplinary team of conservators, scientists, and technical specialists have specialised their work in order to preserve what is known as the “world’s most important cultural heritage sites”. However, even though the tomb is widely known to be a heritage site, once it was first discovered, it was believed that only ten people would be able to explore the tomb every one to two hours to allow oxygen to enter the tomb. Major conflict came about due to this idea as some believed that with tourist, the tomb would become even more damaged, while others opted to believe it would be a good tourist attraction thus causing profits to be gained. Italian archaeologist exclaimed “the fat people will rub against the paintings and will touch the