Ericson's Article Do You Know The Truth?

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Do You Know The Truth? When you lie are you hurting anyone? When I lie, I like to believe I am doing it for the greater good. Do you think what your lies could do to other people? Before I tell a lie, I think about how it would affect me and other people. I like to ask myself, is it needed? Why would I need to lie? Does this lie only affect me? And is it beneficial to me at all? What do you think of when you lie? In Richard Gunderman 's article, "Is Lying Bad for Us?" Gunderman believes that all types of lying are inappropriate to use at any time. In his article he states “We live in a culture where it is increasingly common to encourage lying, and even to suppose that there is nothing problematic about doing so” (Gunderman). People today lie even when there is no reason to, but what classifies a lie? Is telling someone they sound great at a singing concert, when they clearly do not, the same as lying on a job resume? In Stephanie Ericsson essay “The Ways We Lie.” Ericsson defines the different types of lying, such as “The White Lie,” “Deflecting,” and “Delusion” (Ericsson 475-80). She also includes examples of each type of lie, so her audience can clearly understand what the lie is and have a real life scenario to go along with it. When comparing Gunderman’s article to Ericsson’s essay, it starts to become clear that not all lying is unacceptable, and that Gunderman is wrong for saying that a person should never tell a lie. There are also very bad downsides for telling someone a lie, but in some situations it is better to tell someone a small lie then hurt them with the truth. When people use omission as a way of lying to someone it could really work out well for the liar, but if the person being lied to finds out it could be devastating to them. Ericsson defines omission as “telling most of the truth minus one or two key facts whose absence change the story completely” (Ericsson 477-78). Let us say that a kid was playing around with his brother and they bump the wall and a picture falls and breaks on the floor. When the parents get home they ask how did the picture fall and they answered with, it just fell. The kids left out the part where they hit the wall while playing and made it fall. This one part could have changed the whole story, instead of it just falling they could have gotten in trouble for it. But, how would this affect someone if it was about something they based their life on? Let us say a kid that has been living with his parents for eighteen years now and then one day his parents sit him down and explain that the dad he thinks is his dad is really not. …show more content…
Ericsson describes the term facades as “putting on another face” and “businesspeople wear suits rather than sweatpants” (Ericsson 476). This means that when someone has to dress up for their job or any other occasion, they are not being themselves. They put on this fake image of themselves and show it to other people like it is really them went it is not. Ericsson uses an example of a former friend “he presented himself with all the right looks and the right words and offered lots of new consciousness theories… I did some business with him, and the time came for him to pay me… In six months of work, I saw less than a hundred bucks” (Ericsson 476). Ericsson former friend put on a fake image for himself. He would talk about all the great things he could do and has done, but when it comes down to actually getting the work done he would skip out and make up excuses why he could not do it. In Gunderman’s article he asks the question "Really, why shouldn 't I lie?" (Gunderman). Going back to that former friend example. When he lies to people like that he will just keep getting called out for his lies. He won’t be able to keep any friends once they find out that he lies about everything. If he does not stop lying like that he will never get anywhere in life. This is when lying can lead into a horrible

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