As mentioned before, the fact that women are being valued on appearance than skill, is one of the biggest issues in the inequalities for genders. In fact, Rebecca Addlington—who is a swimmer for Great Britain—won two gold medals in Beijing, “but as her fame rose, [her] physical appearance became more widely discussed than her success” (“Four Awful Truths About Gender Inequality In Sport – Rife Magazine”). As women’s fame rise, the inequality of salaries are still at a loss; male athletes’ salaries are extensively larger than females. In the world of European football, also known as soccer, the women’s soccer team earns about twenty thousand euros—“which is less than a trainee on a graduate scheme typically earns” (“Four Awful Truths About Gender Inequality In Sport – Rife Magazine”)—compared to the men’s soccer team earning approximately thirteen million euros. Unfortunately, another inequality would be how there are less leagues for women than men, and not just specifically soccer, but in majority of the sports. According to the media, the reason behind this is because “men’s sports…are more exciting [whereas women’s] it’s going to seem less exciting” (Bodenner). In order to prevent these gender inequalities, and to succeed in the race to cross that finish line, equal opportunities must be arranged for women to feel accepted within their
As mentioned before, the fact that women are being valued on appearance than skill, is one of the biggest issues in the inequalities for genders. In fact, Rebecca Addlington—who is a swimmer for Great Britain—won two gold medals in Beijing, “but as her fame rose, [her] physical appearance became more widely discussed than her success” (“Four Awful Truths About Gender Inequality In Sport – Rife Magazine”). As women’s fame rise, the inequality of salaries are still at a loss; male athletes’ salaries are extensively larger than females. In the world of European football, also known as soccer, the women’s soccer team earns about twenty thousand euros—“which is less than a trainee on a graduate scheme typically earns” (“Four Awful Truths About Gender Inequality In Sport – Rife Magazine”)—compared to the men’s soccer team earning approximately thirteen million euros. Unfortunately, another inequality would be how there are less leagues for women than men, and not just specifically soccer, but in majority of the sports. According to the media, the reason behind this is because “men’s sports…are more exciting [whereas women’s] it’s going to seem less exciting” (Bodenner). In order to prevent these gender inequalities, and to succeed in the race to cross that finish line, equal opportunities must be arranged for women to feel accepted within their