African Americans and Caucasian’s tend to view race in radically different ways, the dominant culture’s typical response is to deny the supremacy of race, a position that is still used today and continues to dismiss African-American reactions as hypersensitive or arrogant. The privilege of ignoring racism goes further than just vigorous denial of its importance. In chapter 8 of our text pg 183 it states “The most profound form of cultural racism may be the lack of sense loss about the absence of people of color in most white people’s lives.”
The scenes that reflect the concept of internalized racial dominance, would be when Buggin out went into Sal’s Pizzeria and when the Caucasian man drove through the area the kids opened the fire …show more content…
Please analyze the concept of internal racial oppression as viewed in the scenes in this timeline.
“Washing ones hand of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.” As I look at this quotes the two scenes that came to mind were the scenes with Buggin out getting his shoe stepped on by the Caucasian man and at the end of the movie when Radio Raheem was killed.
In the scene where the young man ran over Buggin out sneaker, I see were the oppression has caused the African American people to internalize every and anything that happens to them as racism. Buggin out goes over to the young man because he failed to say sorry for what he did, when they started talking face to face, a group of African-Americans then gathered around to embellish on what really happened, with this Buggin out felt more pressure and told the young man that he should not even be in their neighborhood, the young man quickly told them he was born there in Brooklyn and went into his house. In this scene Buggin out could have accepted the apology and call it a day, there would not have been a crowd of people ready to start a