Professional writing seems more very restrictive in that it is more specific and geared towards a targeted professional field. Everything has to be formatted in a precise manner; in English 101 you tended to have more freedom with what you wrote and how you wrote it. I foresee this as a challenge because when …show more content…
I anticipate succeeding in this assignment because those workshops equipped me with skills, which are beneficial to this assignment. I am very ecstatic about Module II “Developing Writing, Research, and Critical Thinking Skills: A Case Study Using Ecological Medicine and Public Health Skills” because I genuinely love the medical field and I feel this topic would provide me with the opportunity to learn more about the medial field and expand my horizon. I also tend to do well on assignments I feel very strongly about. My prior experience in English 101 will aid me with the research aspect of this course. In the syllabus, it stated that we would be using research for each writing assignments, in English 101 I learnt advanced research skills and how to effectively integrate research ideas into my own