Many substances in energy drinks are extremely potent and the body cannot tolerate the amount of potency. This can lead to liver complications, slower cognitive abilities, and decreased functionality of hormone receptors. On top of that, when combined with alcohol, energy drinks can cause new problems in the body. The combination can lead to hypoglycemia, with the side effects ranging from dizziness and clumsiness, to rapid heart beat, and even to brain damage,. Also, those athletes who drink energy drinks and alcohol can permanently suffer from neurotransmitter imbalances, which can lead to depression and anxiety disorders. However, there are a few positives of combining energy drinks and alcohol. The B-vitamins the energy drinks have been found to reduce hangovers, and decreased intoxication levels (Conrad, 2010). Although, these may seem like advantages to collegiate athletics, the negative medical problems that may arise from the consumption of energy drink and alcohol can be detrimental to an athlete’s performance.
Alcohol can have biological effects on the body that can effect an athlete and athletic play. Previous studies have found alcohol can negatively effect the way the body repairs itself after exercise. Rehydration, glycogen repletion, and hormonal changes can all be effected. In a previous study, it was found that alcohol can have an effect on an athlete’s ability to perform jumping …show more content…
Up to 88% of athletes have reported using alcohol, some athletes even reported using alcohol in junior high and high school (Brien & Lyons, 2000). Looking at these reports, it is obvious that alcohol use by collegiate athletes is a significant problem across the country, which is why the NCAA has made alcohol education a priority. Unfortunately, despite the educational programs there are some athletes who believe that alcohol enhances their athletic ability. However, athletic ability is not enhanced, rather decreases. Alcohol lowers psychomotor skills, does not improve muscle performance, and can weaken the body’s temperature regulation system. It is a performance impairing drug, and a