The National Center for Education Statistics states that 94% of schools have a zero-tolerance policy for weapons or firearms, and 87% for alcohol, while only 79% report mandatory suspensions or expulsions for violence or tobacco. These numbers are jaw dropping, because almost 100% of schools in the nation have a zero-tolerance a policy. Knowing these statistics, the administration at Emmitt Smith High School should push to have the current policy continue. Thought the policy has been said to be controversial, with some arguing that it violates the student’s rights, it can be disproved with the results of the surveys taken by the student body at this school. Emmitt Smith should let the school …show more content…
Freshman Penny Lane writes, “My friends and I feel a lot safer knowing that their aren’t drunk people and fights at school stuff ...School is suppose to feel safe”. What Jenny means is that she didn’t feel safe before the policy was proposed, but now that the policy was passed, she states that she feels safer with it in effect. By having a safer school, students tend to have more pride in it. The survey that was given to the entire student body on March 16, 2014 proved this to be right. About 80% of freshmen and 70% of sophomores said that they had pride in their school. However, only 45% of juniors and 34% of seniors said they had pride in the school. This is partially due to the fact that the juniors and seniors haven’t had the policy from the beginning, like the freshmen have had. These results do show some promise in the increase in the number of students that’ll have pride in their school, because as newer freshmen come in they’ll be familiar with the policy from the first day of school. Even though some people want this policy to continue, there are some that want is to be …show more content…
Some have said that the policy should be discontinued because it violated student’s rights, but truth be told, the surveys listed have disproved this argument. To add, the policy was only severely harsh to help those who could have eventually landed themselves in jail. Without the help of this policy, the student body wouldn’t feel safe, and the troubled students wouldn’t think twice before drinking or causing violence, because instead of leaving school with the police, they’ll have a chance to do better