He is young and looks childish that doesn’t have mature enough; he had a long black hair with witty black eyes and wore gold clothes with a gold snake on his headpiece. Suddenly, he saw Emma sleeping on the bank of Nile river. He gradually came to her. He liked her at the first time he saw her face, although her face was dusty. He commanded his servants to be quiet and brought her to his royal palace. Emma woke up. She looked around and wondered where she was right now. Everywhere is gold, troops and busy maids. They helped her taking shower, give her gorgeous outfits and make-up. Emma looks a hundred times prettier. King Tut came and talked to her. “You have a blonde hair like sunshine; your eyes are blue like a sky and a fair complexion. I didn’t see anyone like you before. You can be my Queen”, he said. Suddenly, she could understand the Middle Egyptian dialect that was the language she didn’t know. King Tut wanted her to become his wife. That was spreading to Ankhesenamun known as the sister and also the wife of King Tut. Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun got engaged when they was young. According to the tradition of Egypt, the King has to marry with his sister to protect lineage. King Tut’s action made his sister so angry. She met the Witch, who had a lower level than King Tut, but higher than anyone else. The Witch had a responsibility to protect the pantheon, life of spirit, and like …show more content…
Then the war was coming. The Witch created troops with millions of mummies having faces of devils. “I recall all of Mummies, let revival, make this kingdom become my kingdom”, the Witch strongly put the magic stick in the desert, the wave of winds made a big cyclone, and then the troops of mummies appeared with ferocious appearance. They took over the royal palace quickly. Emma couldn’t help King Tut to fight against the devil troops like the future curse. That’s just a rumour, she didn’t have any power like people thought. King Tut was stabbing and died in pain by the Witch. He just was too young and had a thirst for conquering others countries that he couldn’t finish. After King Tut died, the Witch ruled the Egypt. He didn 't kill Emma, but he wanted her to become his wife. Emma was so exhausted, she walked into Nile river where gave her to Ancient Egypt, made her feel hopeless, and had a sad love with King Tut. Emma followed the ghost troops drown herself under the fresh blue water, closed her eyes and forgot bad things occurred to her. The Witch was looking for her. That was not on time, she drifted under the strong Nile river.
Policies found Emma on the bank of the river that was near the King Tut 's tomb. It was just like she was sleeping for a long time, but she wore an outfit of a queen in Ancient Egypt. Her family and Michael have been looking for her for a year, and now they saw her. They came,