Weather-related disasters may affect an entire community or a significant …show more content…
In addition to the special considerations, when personnel is required for disaster response they should be prepared to be self-sufficient with personal items for a minimum of three days. These items would include uniforms, toiletries, nonperishable food, personal medications, and a sleeping bag and pillow (Stambaugh & Sensenig, 2008). It is important for personnel to remember that during some disasters, stores may not be open for several days along with power outages creating challenges to access food and other personal items. When planning for these extended operational weather disaster incidents, fire departments need to address the logistical needs for personnel such as sleeping arrangements, food, water, and personal hygiene. Not only do fire department personnel need to be considered for, but also outside agencies that may respond to assist with the disaster and recovery …show more content…
It is imperative for fire departments that are prone to hurricanes develop a hurricane emergency plan. This plan will be based on a capability assessment that will determine what resources are available and what additional resources are needed (Kramer, 2009). All emergency plans should follow the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management guidelines.
Earthquakes typically strike without warning, causing massive damage to buildings, utilities and infrastructures such as power plants, bridges, and roadways. Depending on the magnitude and the location of the earthquake will profoundly influence the damage and length of need for fire department operations. Areas prone to this type of disaster need to have EOP to manage the mitigation of the disaster