Elton John Aids Foundation

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AIDS has the word “acquired” in the name, which means it is obtained but what does that entail? The disease derives from a virus labeled the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Once infected with HIV it causes the body to try and fight the infection yet in doing so only cripples the body's immune system. In time the virus slowly tears down the immune system which makes it much hard to defend itself from the germs it used to be able to protect the body from. Leading to AIDS which is the vulnerability to sickness thus resulting in death. According to Ebscohost the first appearance of AIDS was in 1959 in Democratic Republic of Congo. Then appearing in the United States later in 1981 which appeared to be almost exclusive to homosexual men(Shannon …show more content…
The disease AIDS has caused the world to come together and create many organizations on a global scale such as The International AIDS Society (IAS), United Nations AIDS organization(UNAIDS), and the Elton John AIDS …show more content…
A non-profit organization whose mission is to cease the AIDS epidemic by establishing the correct information and means to prevent infection for everyone. EJAF wants everyone living with HIV has access to the finest medical care and treatment therefore they raise funds for evidence-based curriculums and policies which included speaking out about the realities of people’s lives. EJAF started in the United States in 1992 then another one in 1993 in the United Kingdom.According to Charity Navigator the foundation has been recognized as a four-star charity for eleven consecutive years,which is the very highest rating they could have! Showing the Foundation consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way. It promotes, ensure ethical and transparent business dealings for all involved. The U.S. foundation puts its focal points on programs in the United States, the Caribbean, and the Americas. It was recently recognized by Funders for LGBTQ Issues as the largest funder of LGBTQ health programs in the nation. EJAF has a strong financial health which make their grant-making philosophy position the organization's best way to respond quickly to medical breakthroughs and

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