Elmer Formey Hinkle's Life

Superior Essays
Elmer Formey Hinkle, also known as Barney, was my Great-Grandfather on my fathers side. He was born on September 22, 1907, in Columbia, Pennsylvania. Barney was the youngest of his siblings. Barney had a twin, and two older brothers, John and Sam. His twin sadly died at the young age of three. The three brothers moved on, and grew up in Columbia, Pennsylvania. Barney did not like school one bit. On his first day of kindergarten, his mother took him to school, and Barney was not enthusiastic about it. After his mother dropped him off, he left school and ran like mad through the back alleys, beating his mom back home, waiting for her on the porch. The three boys were raised by their mother and two aunts due to the boys father passing away from …show more content…
His younger brother, Steve, was born two years later in december of 62. Growing up they spent their summers on the Jersey Shore, resulting in a love for the ocean still seen today. When my father was in first grade, he spent a year in New Jersey, because Grandma Mary could not take care of them while she was very sick. My father's family moved a lot when he was young because of his father, who got relocated every two years. First Evanston, then Wilmette, then Birmingham, Michigan, followed by Oakmont, Pennsylvania, where my dad learned to play golf. After Oakmont, they moved to Lake Forest where he and Steve attended Middle and Upper School. When my father was in seventh grade, his parents split, resulting in divorce a year later. He spent his highschool years playing golf, and washing windows so he could earn enough money to go to college. My father graduated Lake Forest Highschool, and went to Hamilton College undergrad, After four years at Hamilton, he moved to Brooklyn, where he worked for Saloman Brothers. After the stint at Saloman, he moved to Evanston, and attended Northwestern Law for one semester which he "hated." He left Northwestern to attend the University of Chicago Business School. While in school, he worked for William Blair & Company. After recieving a degree in accounting from U of C, he worked for Henry Crown and CO. Eventually, he met my mother Meredith. They moved to …show more content…
My life from 0-3 consisted of eating Spaghettios and learning the ways of life. I first attended school at Sinai Temple pre-school for one year, which I have no recolection of attending. Afterwards, Anna and I atended St. Chrystom's through Junior Kindergarten. Anna and I both did another year of J.K at the Latin School, and we have been there since. Today, I am fourteen, going on 30. I enjoy most school subjects, as well as playing basketball, golf, and snowboarding. I don't have any dreams or aspirations for my life. I've been told to enjoy being young, so that's what I'm doing. I am taking it day by day, trying to soak in all the knowledge I'm being taught, while trying to have as much fun as I can. My family has taught me to be myself. Every member of my family has different personalities and impacts on my life. The different relationships I have with my family whether it be the jokes I have with Anna, or the fun I have with my dad, shape who I am

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