The air or water then goes into the building’s heating or plumbing system. Extra air or water can be held in an insulated hot water tank. The second type of solar energy, the type to make electricity, uses solar furnaces. The furnaces convert solar heat energy directly into electricity. Mirrors focus large amounts of solar energy into a small area. This action can create temperatures up to 3,630 degrees Fahrenheit, the heat can be used to make steam and then used to create electricity at power plants. Solar cells, another device used for making electricity, rely on the photoelectric effect which is the ability of matter to emit electrons when a light is shone on it. These electrons are then moved into an electric current, using silicon semi-conductors, to power satellites, calculators, and everything in between. Solar energy seems to be like an easy solution to the energy crisis right? Wrong, solar energy is unable to convert sunlight to energy efficiently nor at a reasonable cost. This problem has sparked a lot of controversy with whether solar energy is worth the money or resources. This essay will talk about why solar energy is a problem, what are some of the varying solutions on solar energy, as well as the steps …show more content…
The money will be collected door to door or during bake sales at the meetings. The money will then be sent to scientists around the world where it can be used to further research in making solar panels more efficient. By making more efficient semiconductors that are better at producing electricity, scientists can double the efficiency and thus reduce panel size and space needed for the panels. In turn drastically cutting costs and making solar energy more affordable for everyone. To conclude, solar energy has it problems like everything in this world but with time it can become the much needed alternative source needed for the survival of humankind. Many different companies and organizations are becoming and are already a part of the solar industry and some, such as Tesla, are working towards making it more cost effective and/ or efficient. Fossil fuels are limited and they are predicted to run out in our lifetime, action needs to be taken towards finding a reliable, renewable