This display of violence in activities that children participate in everyday can have a negative effect on them. Young children often do copy what they see and they are most at risk when it comes to this over exposure of violence. More than ever before our youth is exposed to large amounts of violence from all sources of media: video games, television shows, movies, and basically anything else children can get their hands on.
The days of easily hiding violence from kids is over. We live in the twenty first century and violence is. Our young children can now look up just about anything on the internet and either watch or read about something that is rather mature for them. TV shows that feature the news predominantly focus on violence, war, or anything of that nature. Whenever there is fighting and killing going on in the world, the news is always going to be there to cover it. No matter what time the news is on it is always going to be present. The best strategy here for the safety and prevention of children from witnessing something is to make sure the more graphic content at night and more of the lighter stuff during the evening. One of the major sources of easily accessible violence is the website YouTube. …show more content…
Most often YouTube will ask that you are eighteen to allow access to certain videos. This is not really much of a road block as many children under the age of eighteen can easily set up a fake account and say that they are eighteen. Some videos may not have this restriction and allow easy access to violent content. To make better of this system there needs to be more concrete ways in making sure that the viewers are over the age of eighteen. Possible ways of this is background checks to insure the validity of the users age. Between both the news and YouTube violence is only a click of either the remote or a computer mouse away. Whenever a movie comes out before it is shown to the public, it will receive a rating. Movies either get usually G for general audience , PG for parental guidance, PG-13 for parental guidance up to thirteen, or R for restricted. Most of the time scenes from movies will need to be cut so that they can get a certain rating. NC-17, which stands for no children under seventeen, movies often try to get R ratings so that more viewers can see their movie. Is the proper amount of violence cut to make the movie valid? Often times movies will showcase a lot of blood and gore for movies that receive PG-13 ratings. Many things that occur in movies with certain ratings should be questioned to whether or not it should have received that rating. One scene in a movie can change the entire rating. Also to get into a rated R movie all that is required is adult supervision for someone under seventeen. If a child wanted to and the parent allowed it they could get into many graphic films and witness content is far more mature than what they are used to seeing. Video games have similar rating systems they have E which stand for everyone, T for teen, and M for mature. Video games resemble movies in that if a child would like to purchase something that is rated M all that they would need to do is have an adult present at the purchase. This is too easy for children to now experience content that is not made for them. If a game is rated M that means it is for people seventeen and older. Children under seventeen should not be able to play these games. They can still play T and E rated games. Children should not have to witness war like situations in games like Call of Duty especially at the age of under seventeen. If the child does not meet the requirements of being the certain age requirement than they should be prohibited from either viewing or purchasing the video game or movie ticket. Much research and studies