Ancient torture techniques were a common device people used in the early times. People back then would be ruthless and tortuous to each other. If one were to commit a crime, they could have something such as the Heretics fork that had "one end of the device pushed under the chin, other to the sternum" to make sure they would not sleep and hopefully stab themselves horribly to be tortured (BBC Documentary). This shows how vile people could be, and the atrocities shown by the devices used during ancient civilization (BBC Documentary). Other tortures, such as the Spanish donkey, which has someone split in half from the bottom, proves more on how demented people have been …show more content…
Back in the older times, there were people such as the Zodiac Killer who roamed the streets and places of San Francisco. This man killed and hurt many people in San Francisco and around that area. He claimed that he "like[d] killing people because it is so much fun" and then proceeded to killing more people (Zodiac Killer). He says he killed up to 37 people, but is only charged with the murder of 5 (Zodiac Killer). The dark side of humanity is shown through people like the zodiac killer, who mercilessly killed people and ruined and destroyed their lives. People who take fun of injuring and killing others show the darkness throughout the times. The zodiac Killer is a clear example of the dark side humanity