1. Abstract
This study seeks to investigate the impact or effect of decolonization in Africa and how decolonization developed international law. The study need to explore and find what really happened to end decolonization as to what extent did the international institutions and organization played role in developing international law to fight colonialism in the region of Africa. Methodology used in this study is content analyses. Decolonization made Africa to be recognized throughout the world as a continent with countries that are able to run their affair without any interference of a superior country. Decolonization impacted or effected Africa negatively because some countries were faced with huge problems of socio-economic backwardness, including lack of qualified personnel.
2. Introduction
Africans resisted colonial rule from the outset, trying to hold on to their land, but were not strong enough to defend themselves against European conquest. As a result, most of Africa was colonized by 1900. Colonization: is the forming of a settlement or colony by a group of people who seek to take control of territories or countries. It usually involves …show more content…
Young African countries stood in the face of many problems related to their socio-economic backwardness, including the lack of qualified personnel. One of the most important issues that plague these countries are their unnatural borders completely bypass local ethnic structure, plotted arbitrarily by the colonial powers in the nineteenth century. In the postcolonial period, this resulted in a number of ethnic and religious conflicts. The former metropolises not abandoned their behavior impacts on the economy and politics of their former colonies, maintaining their relationship in the form of so-called