Essay On Binge Eating Disorder

Superior Essays
Binge Eating Disorder has oftentimes been categorized with Anorexia and Bulimia. Respectively, each of the disorders is well known in twenty-first century society. Binge Eating Disorder is very different from the other two, and becomes a little misunderstood. Anorexia is essentially starving yourself of food to lose weight. “Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the United States; it is estimated to affect 1-5% of the general population. BED affects 3.5% of women, 2% of men, 1 and up 1.6% of adolescents” (Sieber 1). Bulimia is binge eating, and purging of the food from the body. Binge Eating Disorder is a stand-alone eating disorder. “Binge Eating Disorder is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (often very quickly and to the point of discomfort); a feeling of loss of control during the binge; experiencing shame, distress or guilt afterwards; and not regularly using unhealthy compensatory measures (e.g., purging) to counter the binge eating.” ("Binge Eating Disorder." 1). Though the causes are obscure for B.E.D, there are a number of triggers involved with this eating disorder. Despite the fact there are several complications that arise due to the various triggers, Binge Eating Disorder has various helpful treatment options for those who struggle with this disease. Emotional triggers are commonly paired with wanting to feel comforted, not necessarily by hunger in the case of B.E.D. “Emotional triggers that lead to emotional eating include: stress and anxiety, boredom, childhood habits or trauma, and social eating” (McDermott 1). Stressful situations can prompt an emotional stress trigger involved with B.E.D. Furthermore, when someone has an emotional trigger, they find ways to deal with the pain of it. In this situation, when someone with Binge Eating Disorder has an emotional trigger they turn to food. Normal emotional triggers are: being rejected, someone leaving you, being ignored, someone giving you a disapproving look, someone blaming you, being judged, or someone trying to control you (Paul 1). Not only are some of those emotional triggers, but also: having a strong need for control, difficulty expressing feelings or needs, perfectionism tendencies, and also working hard to please others ("Binge Eating Disorder." 1). We all have emotional triggers that can lead us to turn to items that comfort us. For example, when you were younger, you may have been afraid of the dark you turned to a night light for comfort. Corresponding with being afraid of the dark, and wanting the light on for comfort, people with Binge Eating Disorder frequently turn to food for their comfort when they’re set off by one of the emotional triggers. Overall Binge Eating Disorder has a number of different emotional triggers that can drive them to over eating. As much as emotional triggers are an issue, environmental triggers can have an effect on Binge Eating Disorder as well. …show more content…
Author Annette McDermott states “Environmental triggers are things in your environment that make you want to eat. For example, parties and other social gatherings often include food.” (McDermott 1). Environmental triggers are often downplayed in society, and not taken as seriously as emotional triggers. It might just take seeing food to set someone off and make dealing with their B.E.D much worse. Helpful ideas to consider include: planning a meal, dining out, store snacks in hard to reach places, and using smaller dishes when eating to help with proportion sizing (McDermott 1). Environmental triggers also can be harder to deal with due to not always knowing what will be out there in your environment. The environment is always changing, and cannot always be controlled. “The only thing you can know for sure is that, sooner or later, you’ll face unexpected situations, so prepare for the unexpected.” (Robertson 1). Overall, environmental triggers can really only be controlled by the person affected by this eating disorder. Consequently, there are physical effects of this eating disorder. “These include: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and gallbladder disease” (McDermott 1). These physical side effects usually happen when Binge Eating Disorder goes untreated. B.E.D patients are frequently overweight, but occasionally some are within range of normal weight. Additionally, there are some psychological effects as well. “These include: bipolar disorder,

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