In May 2005, the House of Representatives held hearings to specifically evaluate the threat of agroterrorism. (5) Based upon the testimony provided, the committee concluded the threat is real and that the intelligence community must do a better job of relaying threat information down to the state and local level. Concerns were expressed during testimony regarding Al Qaeda training manuals recovered in Afghanistan which specifically identified the targeting of agriculture as a means to impact a nation’s economic stature. Threats of agroterrorism can be divided into two general areas: intentional introduction of a foreign animal disease (FAD) pathogen into our livestock and or commercial poultry flocks; or directed attacks against our food production system, where a pathogen or some other type of contaminant is introduced into a given food sector to render it inedible or poisonous. FADs are transmissible diseases thought to be absent from the United States. Our systems of agriculture and food production provide significant vulnerabilities to terrorist attack both in our methods of animal management and traditional food production. Due to the vulnerabilities created by the openness of our systems, great opportunity …show more content…
Agriculture is a trillion dollar industry in the US; estimates range as high as 1 out of every 6 jobs in the United States having some direct or indirect link to agriculture. Because of our advanced and extremely productive agriculture system, Americans spend less that 11% of their disposable income on food, compared with a global average of 20-30 %. Should our food supply be constrained, this percentage could increase dramatically. Nearly 10% of all US exports are agriculture related products. A serious FAD outbreak would immediately shut down relevant export markets which total more than $50 Billion annually. Concerns regarding the safety of US agricultural products would impact the role of the US in the global