Personally, I do not believe nurses should be expected or required to respond to an epidemic that puts oneself at an increased risk. I believe that each nurse should have the right to determine if he or she wants to volunteer in these critical and difficult situations. Hopefully, only doing so with proper education and training. …show more content…
2) Determine the relevant ethical principles- Beneficence or compassion to help others applies. Nurses were committed to helping the individuals that were infected or exposed to the Ebola virus. Nonmaleficence or avoidance of harm applies also to the EVD epidemic.
3) Explore the options- The healthcare providers had options during this time. Healthcare providers could have took no initiative and allowed the virus to continue on without treating the infected individuals. Instead, they attempted to provide the best care as possible in the given situation and environment. By exploring the option of PPE and determining to use it effectively and efficiently the spread of the virus was decreased. Also, the caregivers explored the ideas of performing CPR and certain procedures on the infected individuals. The decision of not performing these certain things helped protect the nurses and providers that were involved. This helping protect the healthcare staff caring for these individuals by decreasing the odds of them contacting the