ELSE 6053
Charli Paul
Arkansas State University
Individuals with Disabilties Act is a law that ensures that children with disabilties receive the services that they need. This law ensures that children with disabilties are able to receive early intervention, realted services, and special education services. There are six major priciples within the Indivdiuals with Disabilties Act. There principles are; Zero Reject/FAPE, Nondiscriminatory evaluation, Individualized education program, Procedural Safeguards/Due process Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), and Parent and Student particiaption (Vaughn, Bos, & Schumm, pg. 7). These pricnples are very important within the Individuals with Disabilties …show more content…
There principles are; Zero Reject/FAPE, Nondiscriminatory evaluation, Individualized education program, Procedural Safeguards/Due process, Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), and Parent and Student particiaption. Nondiscriminatory evaluation is when a student with any form of disability needs to have access to an evaluation that does not discriminate based on language, culture, and background. The evaluation needs to be given in the student’s native language or appropriate communication mode. “No child with disabilities can be excluded from education” and also has a right to be given free, appropriate public education. (Vaughn, Bos, & Schumm, pg. 7). Least restrictive environment is when the student’s setting is most similar to students without disabilities and meets the student’s educational needs. Procedural safeguards/due process should be given to the parents. These safeguards tell the parents about what their rights are regarding their student with a disability. Due process ensures that everyone has a voice and that parents receive written notifications for testing, referrals, and any other conferences that are going to be held. The last core principal is student and parent participation and decision making. The school and the parent need to communicate together in order to make appropriate decisions regarding their student. Parents need to be involved within the IEP team about setting, …show more content…
36). There are many advantages and disadvantages with inclusion. One advantage is that students without disabilities learn compassion through the students that have disabilities. The students without disabilities learn to accept and understand these students with disabilities as part of their peers. Students in an inclusion setting often have more friends, greater social acceptance, and higher self-concepts (Vaughn, Bos, & Schumm, pg. 37). These students develop social skills within the inclusion setting. Students with disabilities are able to improve their academic skills within inclusion. Students have higher expectations and have positive role models to help improve their educational skills. Not only will they learn how socialize with each other, but they will also be able to learn new and different things from one another. A student that does not have a disability that has a difficulty in math can learn from a student with a disability whose strength is math and vice versa. Students with severe disabilities who are placed within an inclusion setting have an increase in “time on task, skills, and have exposure to more extensive academic content” (Vaughn, Bos, & Schumm, pg.