About 38 years old
Coward, selfish, and ignorant
Narrator of the book, changes from being selfish to being selfless
“Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years.”(1)
Amir is guilty of not helping Hassan when Hassan was raped in the alley. He is haunted by the fact that he betrayed his friend and this event repeats in his mind over and over again.
Major Character
About 60 years old
Courageous, determined, and a self-made man. 6’5, thick beard, unruly brown hair
Father of Amir, becomes more accepting after moving to America
"My father took him in, he loved Ali like his own son. Forty years Ali's been with my family. Forty goddamn years. …show more content…
Ali had a congenital paralysis of his lower facial muscles, a condition that rendered him unable to smile and left him perpetually grim-faced."(8)
Along with paralysis in his face, Ali also had a crippled leg. Despite all of his deformities, he had the biggest heart and was a good person.
Major character
Around 30 years old
Beautiful, generous, understanding
Amir’s wife, had a rough past, cannot have children with Amir
"When we lived in Virginia, I ran away with an Afghan man. I was eighteen at the time... rebellious... stupid, and... he was into drugs... We lived together for almost a month. All the Afghans in Virginia were talking about it.”(164)
In the past, Soraya was rebellious but after she returned home and found out her mom had a stroke, she became more responsible and obedient.
Major character
Around 11-12 years old
Not talkative, young and innocent
Child of Hassan and Farzana, gets raped by Assef, good with the sling shot
"You promised you'd never put me in one of those places, Amir agha," he said. His voice was breaking, tears pooling in his eyes. “(341)
Sohrab is traumatized by orphanages after what he has experienced in the last orphanage. He becomes depressed and tries to kill himself after he finds out that he needs to go to one