Many individuals, who are not necessarily living out his/her faith, think that going to Sunday is completing their churchly duty, and then he/she can act however he/she wants and participate in whatever he/she wants during the rest of the week. Again, these individuals would have a dualist mindset, thinking that these two areas of life can be separated. However, the things that one learns in church on Sundays should be reminders for the rest of the week and should be put into practice; these things should not just be something learned on Sunday and then …show more content…
One particular problem in this dualistic mindset, is that the activities, the occupations, and the societal domains are viewed to be less significant if they are not in any relation with the “sacred” realm. However, Goheen argues that everything, as long as it brings honor to God, in the secular sphere is just as important as the things that are in the sacred sphere. He says, “Entertainment, sex, journalism, politics, scholarship, and business are all part of the ‘very good’ of creation.” Moreover, God created these “secular” things just as much as He created “sacred” things. In knowing this, Goheen argues that individuals are called to serve God in all parts of life, not just the sacred, because everything belongs to