In Australia he would be treated like a criminal, given a 2 year sentence and sent to prison. drug addiction has alway been a pressing problem but now Australia is facing a crisis as drug use levels are rising: from 2003 to 2014, the number of people aged 15-64 around the world who had consumed an illicit drug in the past 12 months jumped 33%, to 247 million. Australia’s current “war on drugs” strategy is an unmitigated disaster. drug use is only increasing and the country is spending billions to imprison these drug users, with private prison owners reaping the benefits. Our prison system is massively overcrowded with new stricter attitudes towards crime and punishment sending record numbers to jail.
A report done by the Home Office investigated drug use across various countries found “in our fact-finding observe any obvious relationship between the toughness of a country’s enforcement against drug possession, and levels of …show more content…
It prevents a huge amount of violent crimes and property damage. addicts are estimated to cause 50% of burglaries, 40% of assaults and robberies and 25% of car thefts. These crimes are caused because drug prices on the black market are extremely expensive. decriminalisation will allow these people to receive what they need legally at a affordable price. as well as decreased crime rates, it will also largely decrease spending on the criminal justice system. In Australia it costs an average of $292 per day to take care of an inmate. Rehabilitation is far cheaper, meaning not only would these people receive treatment but it would save Australia