Driscoll's Argumentative Essay

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Wonderfully delicious, cherry fruit is packed with full of health-benefiting nutrients and unique antioxidants. In fact, cherries’ sweet or sour flavors are both well recommended by doctors and health educators for its nutritious benefits, such as preventing against such dangerous disease like cancer, or help boosting the immune system to combat anything that may harm the body, the list can go on. But often times, when we are buying cherries at a vegetable market, or a supermarket and whatnot, we do not spend time contemplating on the true history of cherries—where are they made? Or by who/whom are they made? Or what kind of labor it took? We may be cognizant of the company they are made by, and that could be the best of our knowledge. But only if we would take one step further in researching and dig deeper to uncover its hidden history. One of the companies known for growing cherries is Driscoll's. It is the world's largest berry distributor, and its berries are grown on family farms throughout the world, for instance, in places like Florida, US, Baja, Mexico, New Jersey, US, …show more content…
San Quintin is a rural community known for its swaths of cucumber, strawberry, tomato crops, generated a tones of wealth for the company, whereas, on the other hand, the farmers are struggling to make a living with the wage they are being paid. Many of them are paid below the Mexico minimum wage, and also forced to work overtime with no compensation. Moreover, the elderly were being poorly treated and also overworked. Also, the females’ workers were encountering sexual harassment by farm staffs. Thus, for many years, they have endured these circumstances and tried to mend their working conditions by reaching out to the Municipal, the union, but unfortunately their answers remained unanswered, where they had protest and make their voice

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