Kendra Gallos
English III
What is the best way to prevent deaths from drinking and driving?
Did you know that drunk driving takes the lives of about 10,000 kids or adults per year? That’s almost 29 people a day.(Drunk Driving 1) It is also surprising to find out most of the people getting into accidents while intoxicated are kids under the age of 21 and not people that are over the age of 21. There are laws that prohibit drinking and driving, in the state of North Carolina if you are operating a motor vehicle and your BAC, blood alcohol count, is over the legal limit, 0.08, you will either be charged with a DWI, driving while intoxicated, or a DUI, driving under the influence. If you are charged with a DWI “you will get …show more content…
Alcohol impairment is the primary factor in traffic fatalities. In the United States, where drunk driving is among the most common types of arrest made by police, the number of alcohol-related crash deaths is roughly the same as the number of homicides. In addition, vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in young people ages 15 to 20; many of these are alcohol-related”(Center for Problem). Not all of the accidents are tied into drinking and driving, some of the traffic accidents that have caused death in the past, mainly for teenagers, were speed racing, speeding, hit-and-run crashes, aggressive driving, or even driving with a revoked or suspended license. Here are some examples of what harm drinking and drinking could cause, anything from car crashes too getting a very pricey ticket: “drivers, passengers, and pedestrians are killed and injured. Injured persons, their families, and their employers suffer financial losses when an injured person cannot work. Vehicles are damaged and destroyed, other property, such as trees, utility poles, highway signs, and buildings, are damaged and destroyed. Other drivers, fearing for their safety, may avoid driving at certain times. Police resources are consumed enforcing drunk driving laws, thereby reducing the resources that are available for other public safety problems. Court and jail resources are consumed prosecuting and incarcerating drunk drivers.”(Center for