Prominent leaders of both the past and present have paved the way for millions of people in today’s society. These powerful leaders inspire many people and motivate them to follow their dreams. During the Civil Rights Movement many prominent leaders emerged to fight for equal rights. Leaders such as Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall & The Little Rock Nine are all great examples of prominent leaders who inspired millions to fight for what they believe in. Out of all of the Civil Rights Movement leaders Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is who I admire the most.
“Transformational leadership is a style in which a leader seeks to change and engage followers and the organization by creating a compelling vision, strategy, and culture. By being attentive to followers’ needs and identifying the needed change, a transformational leader motivates followers to achieve their and the …show more content…
King was both socially and emotionally intelligent. “Other researchers have found that leaders have certain traits related to social intelligence, that is, the understanding and awareness of their own and others’ emotions, feelings, behaviors, and thoughts, as well as the ability to self-monitor and respond to different situations (Marlowe, 1986; Zaccaro, 2002).” Dr. King had an uncanny ability to relate to others through his speeches. The “I Have a Dream” speech was yet again another great example of Martin Luther King’s social intelligence. “We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: “For Whites Only” (What We Can Learn From Dr. Martin Luther King, 2016).” This quote speaks volumes on how Dr. King relates to his followers by broadcasting the injustice that African Americans endured. The social intelligence allow him to put together these amazing speeches, but the emotional intelligence is what allowed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to deliver those speeches in a way that would