Douglas Mcmillon: Robber Barons

Decent Essays
Douglas Mcmillon, CEO of Walmart is the robber barons of today because of how he treat workers, sells products and enforces policies.
First, employees are not treated fairly during holiday seasons. The workload of employees increase but the compensation they receive cannot keep up with the work increased. One of the biggest problems is employees does not get a day off during holiday. Holiday such as Thanksgiving have a huge sale and employees are require working during the holiday. Mcmillon sacrifice employees’ time with family to obtain profit for the company. Ignoring employees’ values making him robber barons.
Second, the products of Walmart is not as goods as other. Walmart is using the strategy of selling a large quantity of good with lower prices. In order to do that the products of Walmart are lower standard to stores that specialize in certain products. The product is out of function easily and consumer have to rebuy the products. Providing lower price to obtain market shares is why Mcmillon is a robber baron.
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Employees at Walmart have a harsh social media policy. Employees are not allowed to post anything related to the company online. Walmart forbidden employees to complain about management level at social media because it hurt the company’s name. Only a robber barons would forbid employees’ freedom of speech.
All in all, Douglas Mcmillon is a robber baron of modern society because he mistreat employees, sell the product in low price and enforce a harsh policy. Mcmillon requests employees to work during holiday without enough compensation. He uses low price to compete in the market and get rid of the competitors. Mcmillon also enforces inhuman policy to workers. Douglas Mcmillon is an industry leader that deemed robber barons in today’s

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