The Dominguez-Escalante Expedition: Analysis

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The Dominguez-Escalante Expedition was historically important because these men were the first people, not Indians, to explore much of Utah gaining information on the people that they met and the land itself.
The Dominguez-Escalante Journal it the accounting of the expedition traveling thru Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. Father Dominguez and Father Escalante’s party included “twelve Spanish colonials and two Indians”. The Mexican Government enlisted a catholic priest, Francisco Dominguez to find a better way to get to the Catholic Missions in Monterey California from Santa Fe New Mexico. Father Dominguez asked Father Silvestre de Escalante to write in detail about this journey. The two fathers set out with 10 men in 1775. Little did the Mexican government know that deep down both Dominguez and Escalante really wanted to find native people who they could convert to their religion as well as convince them to become like the Europeans. Historically the encounters with the Indians were very important establishing who they were and all about them and their way of life. They were able to see and document how they lived, and how they acted. Father Escalante, along with another member, Miera, documented maps in his writings about the land and trails so that those who came after him would know the land.
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It was a great adventure that did not necessarily end the way the Mexican Government wanted, but it ended in a way the Fathers wanted it to, with information about the people and the land. They wanted to convert many to their faith and build a trusting relationship with them. But the great thing was having people come into Utah and with the help of their journal know about who they would encounter and the trails they should take, and the prep they needed to

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