(This section must be completed in 12 font. If student does not demonstrate familiarity with the expectations of the “Pathophysiology Guidelines”, a grade reduction should be anticipated.)
General Presentation with Primary (Admitting) Diagnosis and Current Problem:
Patient is an 89-year-old female who came into the hospital because of weakness, and her family stated, “her appetite was decreased”. Patient is very fatigued because of the infection her body is trying to fight. She denies any pain or discomfort but all she wants to do is sleep. She awakenings easily but falls asleep between care. Medical History/Etiology:
Patients pertinent medical history would …show more content…
It can happen anywhere in the colon but most commonly happens in the sigmoid colon because it is the smallest section and has the smallest lumen which leads to higher pressure. Low fiber diets are the main cause of diverticulitis because fiber helps increase the size and weight of the stool to soften it, so it can be expelled out of the body. When stools or undigested food is not broken down properly it causes increased pressure in the layers of the colon, bacteria to build up (in my patient this happened in her sigmoid colon) and diverticula to occur. Diverticula are out pouches that form through the layers of the colon. There are 4 layers of the colon: submucosa, mucosa, muscle layer and serosa. When these out pouches are formed they become inflamed and can form abscesses which can eventually break open due to excessive swelling and pressure on the bowel wall. When this happens, this leads to perforation in the colon which is called perforated diverticulitis. These diverticula leak pus and fecal matter out of the colon and the bacteria continue to multiply in the body leading to a very high WBC count and usually a shift to the left which is known as immature white blood