In today’s massive tech workforce, the problem of diversity has still yet to be solved. Companies have to work on promoting greater ethnic and gender diverse workplaces. Diversity in our tech workforce is important because some companies are at risk of financial losses and becoming closed minded. Executives and hiring managers need to work together and start taking responsibility on this issue. Diversity includes adding not only people of different races, ethnicities, and genders, but also people who simply have different perspectives. Increasing diversity in the workplace offers many benefits including: financial gain, higher productivity, and creative collaboration.
I believe it's important that …show more content…
If there are faster, more efficient ways to run things, why not utilize them? I believe if a company does not assess and address an increasingly one sided diversity issue, the company’s potential for success will stagnate. The diversity of human thinking cannot be replaced; each person in a successful team usually come from different parts of the world. A report from Mckinsey & Company states, "Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.” This proves the financial benefits of having a diverse workforce within a company. Companies that are in the top quartile are more likely to maintain a sustainable company environment; further supporting diversity in the long term. A report by the Deloitte University Press states, "Technological advances are enabling new ways, such as crowdsourcing and gamification, to bring the diversity of human thinking to bear on challenging problems." Personally, I have been fortunate to work in a team full of diverse thinkers. I am currently in an international Stanford crowd research project composed …show more content…
According to their most recent diversity report, only 10% of women are in its technology sector. Another alarming problem is that within this 10% of women, 58% are white and 34% are asian. Ways of improving the diversity of a company include promoting open environments, idea exchanges , and minority leadership. Promoting an open environment within the company is beneficial because ideas flow more freely without penalty. Encouraging openness and transparency between managers and employees increases productivity in the end run. A report by states, “Companies can’t just open themselves up overnight: external openness begins with internal openness, starting with the chief executive and filtering through every aspect of the company.” I too believe encouraging an open environment starts at the top. One example of this can be looked from Mark Zuckerberg’s company environment. Mark goes as much as to leave his desk and right in the middle of the company. Anyone can approach and talk to him if they have any opinions or ideas to present. The open flow of information within a company between workers of different background encourages innovation. Companies that encourage employees to express their thoughts and beliefs will promote a higher creative process and equality among all