Also counter arguments on multiculturalism claim that the privileges to the minority may lead erosion in a nation. But, there was a reality that the Byzantine Empire did not apply diversity in it, so it disappeared. Although the Ottoman Empire knew that diversity in the Ottoman Empire might harm the Empire, they gave privileges and rights to the minority by treating equally in the Empire because the Ottoman Empire had a lot of people that belonged to different cultures and nationalities, spoke different languages, and practiced different religions, and the Empire needed to manage all people living in it with harmony and peace inside the country to achieve their aims in the world. They used the diversity for the benefit of the Empire, and so they succeeded to expand their borders and survive longer. Therefore, if states use diversity or multiculturalism in the behalf of them with a nice balance and harmony in their countries, they may have peace inside their states and live longer as an individual state, and they get benefits from the minorities with mutual benefits in the …show more content…
Those ethnics were Armenians, Christians, Jewish people, Rum (Orthodox Christians), Greeks and others, who were treated very well by the Ottoman Empire because of understanding of diversity that came from the Millet System. This system was about one ethnic group’s self-government, and that ethnic group was able to manage its religion, and put its own laws, but it always used to obey the central administration of the Ottoman Empire. This system was perfectly empowered by Mehmed II after the conquest of Constantinople. According to Budak, the Millet system in the Ottoman Empire brought peace and harmony among different ethnic and religious communities. It is true that diversity or multiculturalism really helped the Ottoman Empire maintain harmony within the whole country. The Ottoman leaders and administrations just trusted those different ethnic and religious groups. This was a trust to share with between the Ottoman Empire and other ethnic groups that those groups applied their own religious laws, codes and ethics inside each of them, and they were responsible to the Ottoman Empire, which was administered centrally, and they used to pay their taxes to the Empire, too. The Ottoman Empire never feared about any rebellions coming from those ethnic communities they trusted. What were the roots of this