Distracted Driving: Is It Worth It?

Improved Essays
Is It Worth It We spend every minute of every hour of every day doing something, whether it’s visiting exotic destinations to spending time with family and friends, but we can’t do these without freeing ourselves of the small screen. Distracted driving ,some people would argue, is a good thing ,and some would say it’s a bad thing. And even though this is true, we must come to understand that distracted driving is not an opportunity for us to argue with one another but rather see the crippling effects it has on all of us. (1st)Life is such a precious gift that shouldn’t be taken by the carelessness of a small screen. The state of Missouri knows this all too well and wants to outlaw distracted driving; however real estate agents are opposing this measure. The real estate agents claim they must answer phone calls in the car and if they don’t they could “lose business” (Wyner) or “slide into criminality”(Wyner).In years past the Missouri legislature has tried 6 times and attempted to pass 3 bills to ban texting and driving all of which has failed. …show more content…
Each year ten percent of fatal crashes, 18 percent of injury crashes, and 16 percent of all police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2013 were reported as distraction-affected crashes. These numbers will only increase if more people like these real estate agencies refuse to accept that distracted driving is wrong. Bryant McGill once said “ You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them.” Over half of the states in the US have supported a ban to texting and driving but states like South Carolina are opposing this ban. Some industries like the Trucking Industry take advantage of this. A ban on texting and driving would cripple these companies because they’d be “losing money by the minute”(Sloan III) and it would also increase the “loss of profits industry wide”(Sloan III). Fortunately several Associations are on board to make this ban into a reality. Over “420,000 people were injured in crashes involving a distracted driver’(Myers). It’s because of trucking companies like this that would rather have people get injured to distracted driving than to lose a bit of money. (1st ) Children are fragile, and amazing gifts that make us feel happy and bring the best out of us, it is often a great tragedy when one of these gifts are lost. A young and reckless 17 year old from Minnesota shows us why this very true. In July a un-licensed minnesota teen ignored her friends to stop texting and driving and missed a red light and slammed her car into a minivan. The collision killed another driver and his 10-year old daughter. According to a report the teen “ told her friends to f--- off” and she also said “didn't care if i crashed”(Fox) moments before she did exactly that. According to a AAA poll, 94% of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% admitted to doing it anyway. If we continue allowing teens and other distracted drivers to text and drive without a form of consequence then more and more will participate in distracted driving. Many celebrities are known for helping people this is exactly what talk show host, Oprah Winfrey does. Some time in the early 2000’s Oprah Winfrey created a website to get people to join her no phone zone pledge which basically states that participants will not use their phone whilst driving. Distracted driving is rapidly moving through our country like a dangerous trend, and “is claiming lives and destroying families”(“Oprah's No Texting Campaign”). In the United states about “82% of American teenagers own a cell phone, and use it regularly to call and text message. 52% of these talk on the phone while driving, and 32% text on the road”(Hopkins). Thanks to people like Oprah Winfrey, these number will drop, for people are pledging to stop their distracted driving. In conclusion, we must understand that distracted driving arguments isn't a time to argue but rather witness it’s crippling effects. As stated above we can see that distracted driving might seem like a good thing, but in

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