This matches the social, conventional, and realistic groups. Some careers that stood out to me from these groups were athletic trainer, counselor, dental hygienist, teacher, social workers, physical therapist, and health administrator. The Career Profile scores were high for social, enterprising, and artistic interest. The suggested careers obtained from this inventory were health care social workers, school counselor, mental health counselor, speech-language pathologist, and and occupational therapist. If I were to select three careers that the inventory suggested I would select school counselor, athletic trainer, and occupational therapist. My highest score on both inventories was in social interest. The results make sense to in terms of the careers suggested for this field but personally I do not see myself as a very socially oriented person. I actually have social anxiety and feel that this at times limits me in my ability to socially involved in many situations. It never occurred to me that the careers that best fit me are so closely related to something that is so difficult and anxiety provoking for me. When analyzing and assessing the inventories I feel that they were very easy to use and understand. The Discover Careers That Interest You inventory provided information before the inventory that provides you with information that makes understand the inventory and results much easier. It shares information about the Holland code, how to make use of the code, and where to look for further information pertaining to this code. It is a self-scoring inventory that clearly explains how score your inventory by simply counting the amount of each number you selected. The Holland Code groups and explanations are listed in a vertical two-inch margin on the right side of the paper. These groups are critical because they identify the code group you should investigate careers in. I believe that this information was challenging to find and should be bigger and more noticeable on the worksheet. The Career Profile was very easy to use. This was an online assessment and you simply selected your interest level in the activities or jobs and it produced a list of careers that may be of interest to you. All of these careers were links that took you to a page that provided a
This matches the social, conventional, and realistic groups. Some careers that stood out to me from these groups were athletic trainer, counselor, dental hygienist, teacher, social workers, physical therapist, and health administrator. The Career Profile scores were high for social, enterprising, and artistic interest. The suggested careers obtained from this inventory were health care social workers, school counselor, mental health counselor, speech-language pathologist, and and occupational therapist. If I were to select three careers that the inventory suggested I would select school counselor, athletic trainer, and occupational therapist. My highest score on both inventories was in social interest. The results make sense to in terms of the careers suggested for this field but personally I do not see myself as a very socially oriented person. I actually have social anxiety and feel that this at times limits me in my ability to socially involved in many situations. It never occurred to me that the careers that best fit me are so closely related to something that is so difficult and anxiety provoking for me. When analyzing and assessing the inventories I feel that they were very easy to use and understand. The Discover Careers That Interest You inventory provided information before the inventory that provides you with information that makes understand the inventory and results much easier. It shares information about the Holland code, how to make use of the code, and where to look for further information pertaining to this code. It is a self-scoring inventory that clearly explains how score your inventory by simply counting the amount of each number you selected. The Holland Code groups and explanations are listed in a vertical two-inch margin on the right side of the paper. These groups are critical because they identify the code group you should investigate careers in. I believe that this information was challenging to find and should be bigger and more noticeable on the worksheet. The Career Profile was very easy to use. This was an online assessment and you simply selected your interest level in the activities or jobs and it produced a list of careers that may be of interest to you. All of these careers were links that took you to a page that provided a