Differences Of Hester Prynne And The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Hester Prynne and John Proctor are two characters that are from very well know pieces of literature. Hester is from The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Proctor from The Crucible written by Arthur Miller. Even though these two characters are from different stories they have more in common than the reader may realize. Hester and Proctor have both committed the sin of adultery. Hester had a child out of wedlock and Proctor had an affair with his servant, Abigail. Through both of these stories, both Hester and Proctor come to acknowledge their sins, even though at the beginning they were running from the truth; they eventually came to terms with their sins that have taken over their lives in many different ways.
In both the novel
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At that moment she realizes that she is a sinner, and she thinks that she will always be a sinner. As for The …show more content…
Hester has removed the scarlet letter from her clothing, “...she undid the clasp that fastened the scarlet letter, and, taking it from her bosom, threw it to a distance among the withered leaves.” (192). After removing the scarlet letter, she feels as if she is a new person, even though the town now knows about Dimmesdale being the father of Pearl. Hester has learned how to find the good in a bad situation. She realizes that making one bad mistake does not make her a bad person. “...the scarlet letter ceased to be a stigma which attracted the world’s scorn and bitterness, and became a type of something to be sorrowed over, and looked upon with awe, yet with reverence too.” (244). In a similar way, Proctor has confessed his sin to the court in attempts to get back at Abigail for accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft. When he is asked if he is a lecher he replies, “A man may think that God sleeps, but God sees everything, I know it now. I beg you sir, I beg you-see her what she is.” (220). The court begins to see that Abigail may be lying, until Elizabeth comes into the court to testify and says he is not a lecher. Even though the court thinks he is lying in attempts to ruin Abigail, he knows that he told the truth. By doing so, he has overcome his sin. Both of the characters overcome the sin of adultery in different ways, but in the end Proctor wants to save his name and Hester wants the

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