Donald Trump Undocumented Immigrants

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Donald Trump and Undocumented Immigrants

Throughout this year’s election, Donald Trump has had been perceived to have burned more bridges than he has built. Donald Trump has been questioned about both illegal immigration and his tax returns more than once during the election period as well as during the debates. Still to this day, he claims he will deport undocumented immigrants, build a wall and for his tax returns, still denies releasing them. During the campaign, Donald Trump has been looked at with a spotlight on for the perfect answer. Donald Trump is an empowered man who is taking advantage of tax benefits he receives while issues arise with undocumented immigrants and why they should be deported because of trying to take advantage
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Donald Trump does not receive special treatment in his tax code, therefore neither should the undocumented immigrants. In the article previously mentioned by Hart, he says “If we disobey, we are said to ‘break’ the law and what we have done is legally ‘wrong’, a ‘breach’ of duty, or an ‘offence’ (27). When the law is continually being broken actions need to be taken. If a case of undocumented immigration went to the court, they would look for an analogy and compare similarities and difference ending up with a conclusion (Bybee 10/10). The more and more undocumented immigrants migrating is causing a commotion in the United States. Whether you are a woman or a man, with or without a family, actions need to be taken against undocumented immigrant to keep the number of undocumented immigrants to a minimum. The correct immigration policies are costing taxpayers $300 billion a year according to the National Review (Trump 1). If they believe they should be a citizen, they should return to their home country and become a citizen the right and just way. In the Presidential Announcement Speech written by Donald Trump, he says “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people” (1). Donald Trump addresses the issue that he believes most of the …show more content…
Most people that agree that all undocumented immigrants should be kicked out of the United States believe that they also do more harm than good, but according to the article The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States, as immigration rates heighten, crime rates lower (Walter et al. 1). Undocumented immigrants should be left alone and should not be discriminated against. With the Equal Protection Clause, you are unable to treat people differently based on race and gender. Therefore, undocumented immigrants can fight back against the law and claim that they are being discriminated against so they are not deported. In the court case, Frontiero v. Richardson, Sharon Frontiero filed a suit saying she was discriminated against based on her sex (1). With the argument of race or gender you are under very strict scrutiny and in the end are compelled and it is necessary to reach a goal. Donald Trump believes his influence can get all of the undocumented immigrants out of the United States. Trump treats immigrants like companies abuse citizens with the boilerplate. The boilerplate is a take it or leave it contract that is standardized across different venues. Companies use the boilerplate to undermine their customers (Bybee 10/13). Undocumented immigrants should not be deported because they already going through the hardships of being denied their own fundamental

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