It is entirely dependent on an individual. Nevertheless, in my opinion, freedom to me at this moment is the ability to live a happy life, one filled with contentment, love and no regrets. However, the real freedom is the freedom of mind. When our mind is free from all ideologies, persons and situations, then only there is real freedom. A life where you can live in the now and let go of the past and its mistakes and a future not riddled with anxiety. Waking up in the morning and not feeling compelled to cover your skin in layers of makeup, which secretly disgust you and clothe your body in “trendy” attire just to fit in or simply being limited to certain stereotypes because of your gender, sex and sexual …show more content…
The results from the MCI surprised me, I was at the lower end of the spectrum, but I have always considered myself to have somewhat high moral standards. These results forced me to recognize certain behavioural patterns I had fallen into over the years and opened my mind to the possibility of correcting myself. My moral competency fell short in forgiveness and holding on to situations that no longer served me any purpose. While my emotional intelligence was displayed through my overthinking, stress, laziness and anxiety which at times caused me to act out in unfavourable ways. However, my strong sense of integrity, responsibility and judgement was