How can you distinguish the difference between the two? A teacher is an expert on a particular subject and looks to conveys that knowledge to others through a lecture platform. A facilitator does not have to be an expert on any one subject. He or she creates discussion and learning within a group. A teacher dictates the conversation, while a facilitator guides the topic of conversation, letting the participants create the discussion; it is a student-centered approach to learning. During your time at GIRLS Academy, you are a facilitator – teaching the girls how to think, not what to think - you help make the magic happen!
Facilitator Best Practices
• Set some ground rules. Have participants create some ground rules …show more content…
Letting them know that you don’t like what they are doing and you will not tolerate it. Tell them that you are sorry they feel that way about you, and hope that you can change their mind. Sometimes a person does not even know how hurtful their actions are, and making them aware can be the way to solve the situation.
• Don’t be a Bystander - Seeing a bullying situation and not doing anything to stop it can be just as hurtful to the victim as the bullying itself. If you overhear a conversation about bullying, or see a situation happening, intervening and sticking up for the person being bullied will make a huge difference.
• Find an Ally - Sticking together with friends and making sure you are never alone can help deter a bully. Make a pact with a friend that you will work together to stop a bully, there is strength in numbers!
Please make sure to report any concerning issues to the school administrator, especially if you see bullying happening within your small group. If you need help in generating discussions in your small group, or confronting an issue, please don’t hesitate to ask the Lead One or Lead Two Facilitator to join you in helping to fix an issue.
Handling Difficult Participants - Tips and