Leading diversity office is undoubtedly implies …show more content…
In his review of the academic strategies, Keller (1983) stresses the importance that “Every college, school, or university has embedded in its tissues an intangible set of traditions, values, and hopes.” These elements has to be consistent and combine all groups and individuals together to move the organization ahead. However, this does not make the organization safe of confronting troubles, tensions and may be clash of interest. To that point, JJ answered, “No, it does not. And we should accept that and we should welcome that. Because if we did not, we do not really want to progress, I do not know who said it, but some wise person years ago said “progress relies on the unreasonable” So if you and I agreeing on everything and we never get challenged by someone who disagreed, how would we know we are going in the right path? So, we should welcome challenge but we should provide a processes whereby people can bring their ideas and their values and their objections or whatever to a civil discourse and understand where each other are coming form and try to get to some common grounds. We should not be asking people change to not to be who they are or to become like us when they come to a given institution. I have always resisted that, and I have said OK if a Predominately white institution wants more people of color and more international students, more people say from Iraq, more people from France , Australia, more blacks from US, more Hispanic and then they expect us all to adapt to act alike. Then you are not working for diversity, you are looking for assimilation, who wants to come here, and be you. I came here with the gifts that are mine to provide the value that I can to the dynamic of living and working here, I do not want to be asked to change in order