Did Busing Slow Boston's Segregation By Farah Stockman Summary

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Diversity is beautiful when people are willing to accept others. Yet, when people are forced to tolerate others, they can be startled quickly - causing reverse effects. In “Did Busing Slow Boston’s Desegregation,” Farah Stockman explains how pushing people to integrate can have negative results. Moreover, Stockman emphasizes the role of neighbors in desegregation through the use of rhetorical strategies. The author believes the purpose of neighbors in society is to shape each other’s identity, and he does so through his use of anecdotes, dramatic and situational irony.
Farah Stockman sets up how neighbors can cause either damage or strengthen a person’s identity with anecdotes. Stockman introduces an adverse effect caused by a neighbor while telling Junior’s story: “The bottle sailed through the air and smashed. Fire spread across Junior’s yard. The ‘friend’ ran off into the dark” (Stockman 1). By Stockman using an anecdote, he creates a foundation of empathy for the reader to have with the protagonist, Junior. Later, this empathy can be used as a chord for the author to manipulate the reader’s perspective towards his argument. Additionally, the author gives a counterexample of how a neighbor can be a positive effect:“Junior loved Sal’s grandmother’s risotto. Sal loved Junior’s apartment in Maverick, which contained luxuries that Sal’s house lacked: a bathtub and a living room” (Stockman 3). Using another anecdote, Stockman adds a counter-example for the reader to understand, later on, why Junior did not harm the harmful neighbor. Junior began to understand why his “friend" had attacked him. To conclude, Stockman uses anecdotes to set a foundation for readers to empathize why Junior felt differently based on his neighbor’s actions towards him; however, some neighbors were ignorant to understand further what they claimed they could sympathize. Stockman also uses dramatic irony by mentioning viewpoints some - within the article - may not understand when they believe they do. Farah Stockman implies how the majority feels they know the minority: “Whites have vested interest on believing the equality is already here” (Stockman 2). Farah Stockman adds dramatic irony to tie in the empathy created earlier, so the reader can side with Junior and play the devil’s advocate. The author can make the reader feel like Junior should be enraged for not being understood. Furthermore, Stockman insinuates how the police believed to understand who was causing the riot in the protest: “Instead, they ordered the ‘People Against Racism’ to leave, claiming their presence was agitating the mob” (Stockman 3). Furthermore, Stockman uses another example of dramatic irony to emphasize on how a collaboration of neighbors can impact the result of deciding what is just and what is unjust. A significant amount of people caused the authorities to confuse who was upset for the right reasons. In conclusion, Farah Stockman uses dramatic irony, so the reader can question how did
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Farah Stockman shows this in his article “Did Busing Slow Boston’s Desegregation” where Junior was affected by his neighbors. Fear caused neighbors to either attack other neighbors like Junior or stand with them during the hardship of forcing integration. Stockman’s expressing his claim through rhetorical strategies causes the reader to have empathy and be open-minded about diverse groups. Moreover, if Stockman’s claim was kept in the back of people’s mind, maybe society could fill in gaps between distinct

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