Dictating Leadership Style – the “Control Freaks.” I am the expert, so therefore I know what is best. Do it my way and no questions asked.
Dictating leadership is low in connection and involvement. The leader listens very little to the people under his leadership. The Dictator does not take the unique individual persons proclivities, interests, talents, etc. into account. These leaders listen very little to their followers. They often have external measures of control, such as criticisms, belittling, docking pay, etc. The negative is always commented upon, and the positive is overlooked. The child or subordinate has very little opportunity to make choices. As a result the follower has either a low sense of self-confidence or an overly inflated ego (which is usually a cover for low self-esteem). Sad part is that Dictating parents and leaders truly believe that they are doing what is best for the child or follower. What can I say…….. GI2. Followers of Dictating Leaders usually: o Don’t feel a sense of autonomy in their project o Never validate themselves because they are concentrating on improving their weaknesses to please the boss instead of celebrating their strengths. o Lack problem solving skills because problems are solved for them o Do not know how to make original contributions to the project because they are never given the choice. o Don’t have the opportunity to tap into their unique skills. Like the child in a state of ignorant bliss, the follower can also find comfort in such working conditions and feel content. What is the inner psyche of the Dictating Leader? Dictating Leaders usually have a low sense of self-confidence. They are overly concerned about being in control. The thought of loosing control makes them very anxious. They have a very ridged mindset on how their followers should work, behave, think and believe. Dictators tend to be overly concerned about loosing face and keeping up with the Jones’. They have a tendency to always compare people to other people. There can also be aspects of “vicarious living” in the dictator. Meaning he or she expects his or followers to live out their unfulfilled dreams. For example, the coach that wants his team to win the state championship because the team he played on never did. Doormat Parenting Style: Well…. I guess you can Doormat parents do not know how to set appropriate boundaries and limits with their children. Doormat parents are afraid to upset the child. Doormats hate disharmony and are looking for acceptance and approval – because they didn’t get it growing up. They are pleasers. The child quickly learns how push the limits, manipulate, play the system and get what they want. As the child grows into the teenage years, he often makes bad choices and can run with the wrong crowd. Doormat parents mean well. They are often children of dictating parents and are trying to give their children the freedom and opportunities that they didn’t get growing up. Unfortunately, they are taking it to the other extreme. Also they hate conflict and will easily take the blame for others mistakes, …show more content…
Ghosts parents are neglectful emotionally and physically. They are not involved in the lives of their children because they are too involved in there own matters. Like the other parenting styles, Ghost parents come in all different shapes and sizes; they can be CEO’s of major companies, alcohol and drug abusers, single parents working long and late hours, or people in poverty. Ghost parents are always products of serious trans-generational attachment issues; hence, they cannot attach and be available for their own children. Children of ghost parents end up raising themselves. No child is capable of raising himself, so the child ends up confused, lost, abandoned and in trouble – one way or the other.
Children and Teenagers of ghost parents:
• Are abandoned, neglected, abused and totally hurt
• Often become parentified children,
• In some cases, they end up taking care of their parents
• Have low – self esteem
• Left to raise themselves, which no child is capable of