Dialogue Essay: The Epilogue To Johnny's Dream

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He didn't know what to expect when he confessed his feelings for Johnny, but the Boss certainly never dreamed of suddenly being grabbed and a pair of lips crashing down on his. He was surprised, but managed to mold into the kiss and even participate, moving his lips against Johnny's and grabbing the front of his suit. He knew Johnny was well-built from years of bro hugs and impromptu wrestling matches, but now the Boss was experiencing Johnny's body in a whole new way. He grabbed enough control of his brain as Johnny deepened the kiss to eagerly rub his hands against his body. Even through the Zin suit the Boss felt nothing but hard muscle and heat. The feeling of Johnny's muscles shifting as he pulled their bodies tighter was enough to make the Boss break the kiss and let out a breathy sigh. Johnny chuckled then, shaking the Boss lightly as he did. "I know you're not about to tell me it's been awhile since you've gotten any." He purred. The Boss smirked; he could keep up with Johnny's banter in any situation. "Well it's been awhile since I've had a Greek god before me. And judging by what you've got here," He ground their hips together. Johnny was getting hard and Zin suits hid nothing. "I'm about to bed Priapus." The snort Johnny made in response caused the Boss to think he might've just killed the mood. "Since when do you know anything about Greek mythology? And Priapus of all Gods?" The Boss of course had a quick retort, but all hope of saying it coherently was lost when Johnny pulled down the zipper of his suit and raked his blunt nails across his torso. A hiss of appreciation made its' way past the Boss' teeth and he pushed Johnny against a stack of storage crates in response. "When we're not fucking," He began with a growl. "Matt and Kinzie enjoy rattling off useless information." Nails again were dragged along the Boss' skin, followed by a low rumble from Johnny. How he managed to keep control of the situation with his back to a bunch of crates was beyond the Boss. "Now I'll bet that would be a sight." Johnny said. "'Yeah Boss, right there!'" His voice picked up a mocking edge. "'Fuck me har- did you know sloth hearts beat seven times per minute..!'" The Boss growled and put all his weight against Johnny. He forced him into a sitting position on the crates and practically climbed onto his lap. He then grabbed him by his suit and barked a quick 'fuck you!' before crashing his lips against Johnny's. He was much more …show more content…
It had been awhile since he had bottomed or found enough time to enjoy one of his dildos and he knew that Johnny wasn't going to draw out the preparation. A second finger quickly joined the first and the Boss decided if Johnny wasn't going to draw things out, he would give the other man a run for his money. He locked his arms around Johnny's neck, crashed their lips together, and rocked against the fingers inside him. Johnny growled in appreciation and the kiss became less of lips pressing against each other and more of tongue and teeth. Johnny broke the kiss and quickly pulled his fingers out of the Boss. He gasped at the sudden motion and found himself facing the storage …show more content…
Johnny rode him through the climax and just as the Boss’ ended, he felt himself being filled with a warm and sticky fluid. Johnny groaned into the Boss’ ear and tightened his grip on his hips as he came, no doubt leaving bruises against his pale skin. When he finally withdrew from the Boss, he turned him around and pulled him tight against him for a deep kiss. The Boss’ skin was flushed and small tremors wracked him from the exhaustion and soft high of the afterglow. Johnny was also flushed and exhausted from the sex, but still had enough energy to help the Boss into his suit before pulling on his own. The Boss leaned against the crates not splattered with his own semen and ran a hand through his hair while smiling at

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