All that I hear is the high-pitched buzzing sound that occurs when it's absolutely silent. Chester probably realized that that “rabbit” he thought he saw, was just a shadow. German shepherds are known to be good guard dogs, so he’s probably just being protective. Tip-toeing back into bed, I pull the layers of blankets up to my face and try to go back to sleep. Tossing and turning is all I do for the next five minutes, and I sigh loudly in defeat, mentally cursing at myself for being such a light sleeper. As per usual, Chester’s barking sparks up again, and I stuff my pillow over my face, trying to block out the noise. His barks become louder and more aggressive, and then turns into a horrifying yelp. …show more content…
My eyes detect the path of pawprints leading around the side of the house. I walk down the front stairs, every step creaking loudly beneath me. I follow the paw prints, and my eyes meet tragedy. Before my brain can even process what I’m seeing, a piercing scream, that could practically wake up the dead, leaves my body. It’s not one of those screams of laughter when you’re having fun. Oh no. It’s the type of scream that is concocted of pure terror, it comes from the very bottomless depths of your