Diagnostic X-Rays Informative Speech

Improved Essays
Risks and Benefits of Diagnostic X-rays
General Purpose: To inform.
Specific Purpose: After hearing my speech, my audience will know more about the risks and benefits associated with diagnostic x-rays.
Thesis: Medical benefits of diagnostic x-rays outweigh any slight risks.
Open with impact: It’s all around us. You can’t feel it, you can’t see it, but it’s here nonetheless. I am talking about radiation of course. Radiation is energy that comes in many forms and is all around us, all the time. I have couple questions for the audience: How many of you know that x-rays are a form of radiation? Now, how many of you associate x-rays with cancer? (Show of hands) You are not alone.
Relate to audience: I come from a family that shares
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A few weeks ago, I had a patient I was taking x-rays on, who told me she was not allowed to see her newborn grandson because her family believed she would be emanating radiation for a week after having x-rays. I assured her that was not true. Experiments have proven that x-rays disappear the moment they interact with the body, and don’t hang around the body or the room. Both ACR (American College of Radiology) and ASRT (American Society of Radiologic Technologists) agree that benefits of x-rays exceed the risks. X-rays remain the easiest and simplest method to diagnose bone disease and dental …show more content…
X-rays are one of the first tools in emergency situations, x-ray of the spine will determine whether a patient may be moved freely, or needs to be immobilized because of risk of paralysis. Many interventional procedures like stent placements and heart catheterizations are now done under x-ray guidance to avoid surgeries. There is a special study called skeletal survey which used in cases of suspected or confirmed child abuse or domestic violence, among other protocols. X-rays would let the doctor see if there are any older healing fractures, helping the authorities and social workers determine whether the patient needs to be removed from an unsafe

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