Congestive heart failure is a condition of the hearts muscles failing to pump the necessary blood for the body to function (Mayo Clinic, 2017). For example, coronary artery disease is a condition involving the hearts arteries becoming narrow resulting in high blood pressure and eventually leading to a weak heart (Medline Plus, 2017). Signs and symptoms vary, but can include: shortness of breath, fatigue, and a decrease capability to exercise (Mayo Clinic, 2017). Diagnosing CHF can consist of test such as: blood test (to check any abnormalities possibly affecting the heart from other organs including the liver, kidney, and thyroid); chest X-Ray (evaluating organs such as the heart and lungs); electrocardiogram (ECG) (the ability to monitor the electrical activity of the heart through electrodes placed on the body); echocardiogram (distinguishes systolic heart failure from diastolic heart failure resulting in the heart becoming stiff and not properly functioning); stress test (the person walks on a tread mill or stationary bike and being connected to an ECG machine measuring the heart and blood vessels response to exertion); cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan (combined with X-ray images taken from multiple angles by a computer that produces cross sectional images/slices of blood vessels, soft tissues, and bones); coronary angiogram (a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel through the aorta to the coronary arteries); and myocardial biopsy (inserts a biopsy cord into a vein through the neck or groin to obtain a small sample of the heart muscle) (Mayo Clinic, 2017). A blood test can test for chemicals known as N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide that can be used to determine heart failure (Lab Test Online, 2017). …show more content…
Chest X-Rays can indicate the presences of fluids in the heart and lungs appearing enlarged in those who have CHF and identifying other heart related issues. The ECG test facilitates health providers to examine heart rhythms that identify any problems or damage to the heart causing a heart attack, which could be an underlying failure of the heart. It is a procedure that utilizes sound waves producing a video image of the heart allowing providers to examine the size of the heart and its effectiveness of it functioning properly. A stress test can help detect the effectiveness of the heart pumping aiding in the necessary long-term treatments needed. It can also assist health providers in detecting coronary artery disease. A coronary angiogram test involves the injection of dye by means of a catheter allowing the arteries supplying the heart visible for an X-Ray. However, this procedure may call for a vetriculogram, testing the strength of the hearts left ventricle and the heart valves. A myocardial biopsy is another method used in determining certain forms of muscle diseases pertaining to the heart that can result in heart failure. Often times multiple test are conducted confirming other test to diagnose a condition (NIH, 2017). Gallstones are a hepatobiliary