Looking back, I realize how similar I am to the bees in this poem, like the bees, I wasn’t sure how to get to my destination. So I wandered, not knowing much until I read “...wrong turn...” (Grennan 3). Reading these two words I automatically thought of different roads that can be taken to get somewhere, but I wasn’t sure what to think of this. I then continued to read through the poem until I stumbled upon the words “...stuck there” (Grennan 8). And coincidentally I also felt “stuck there”. I couldn’t find a way to tie it all together. During my next class meeting my professor, Dr. Miller, opened up a discussion. “Any idea what the poem “Desire” was about?” I sat there looking back at my notes, still not being able to tie all my thoughts together into one idea. We reread the poem together, my colleagues began to share their ideas but I still felt a bit confused. My professor then recommended that we look at the title of the poem and begin to write what we thought the meaning was. As I began to write down my thoughts I had that “aha” moment. Desire. It was there all along. This poem is about desire. Seems pretty obvious but the word desire can be so general I didn’t realize I had to identify the bees’ desire. I reread the poem and looked more into detail at the initial words I had highlighted, “wrong turn”. Once again I looked back at my notes about different routes and I finally had an idea of how it all tied together. Just like most people, these bees had a desire, although it’s not clear what their initial desire was, we know it was to get somewhere. The moment they were not able to leave the glass window they knew something was …show more content…
Sometimes we may not realize what we want at that moment and once we do it may feel impossible but there is always a route that can be taken. If we fail the first time we just need to try again until we can achieve those desires.
In addition, the route we may have taken before or someone else has taken before may not be the same route we take the next time or the route that works for us. Every situation is different, but that just means it’s a different adventure each time. Will I be able to better understand a poem by just reading the title next time? Maybe, but not necessarily.
It’s important to explore and maybe next time the last line of the poem is what will help me better understand the poem. Each time is an adventure and an opportunity to explore different routes that can be taken whether that means they are correct or not. There is no right or wrong way; it’s all a learning