One of the first activities the group worked on together was a case study: Desert Isle. Having to cull one leader out of a handful of aptitudinal individuals revealed to be a pressing task. Richard and I commenced to quarrel over whether the Plastic Surgeon or the First Mate would be the more congruous choice. I optate the first mate because he was skilled on the seas, personable, young and able, and experienced in engineering. Richard optate the plastic surgeon because he was an excellent doctor, graduated top of his class, and an immigrant. Though the first two points were valid Richard’s comment of the plastic surgeon being an immigrant frustrated me because his tone sounded as though he designated it in a demeaning manner. This very quarrel started our group off on a very rocky start. This is when Alejandro postulated the leadership position and defused the situation by suggesting that we, as a group, look into other candidates. Now looking back on the situation I noticed that Richard and I were expressing our need for control. We were having a potency struggle and in the process disregarded the group’s needs to compensate for our own. Alejandro interjected himself as a democratic member, a person who has no problems with power and control and who feels just as comfortable giving orders as taking them, and expeditiously lightened the tension Richard and myself introduced to the group. (Engleberg 49) Alejandro having a personality type of ENTP was the sensible choice for a leader. …show more content…
He is adroit in generating new ideas and then strategically analyzing them as well as solving incipient and challenging problems. This caused Alejandro to naturally emerge as our group’s Chairperson and authoritatively mandate us on ways to consummate our goal. Thus extinguishing the potency struggle between Richard and I. Though once Richard realized that he would not be able to postulate the leadership role he became the Deserter, one who withdraws from group discussions and seems “above it all.” (Engleberg 55) Aberrantly Richard and Alejandro shared many of the same qualities; such as being task oriented, relationship motivated, and ENTP personalities, though they seemed like polar opposites. Alejandro was always fixated on the group achieving its goal while Richard was disinterested and infrequently present. With Alejandro in charge the rest of the group seemed to fall impeccably in sync. Alexandra postulated the role Monitor/Evaluator by always addressing quandaries with a fresh perspective, ascertaining tasks were done efficiently, and addressing all situations felicitously. (Engleberg 57) As an ESFJ personality this was like the impeccable placement of one puzzle piece to another. Alexandra always exhibited the characteristics of her personality, which was being warm-hearted, conscientious, and cooperative. She was like the momma bear that ascertained all her cubs played fair and had a nice time while doing so. With me postulating the role of the shaper Alexandra and I inclined to tackle some of the groups outside collaborate and because our two roles linked into each other well we were able to get an abundance of the organizational tasks for our group done so that we would be able to have efficient meetings. We were both task motivated and plausibly good motivators, and the only girls in a group, which I feel caused us to have a close bond and better understanding of one another. Every great group needs a team-worker and that is what Josh provided us with. Josh being an INFP personality fell into the role of a team worker naturally. Josh was fixated on the achieving the goal of having a great presentation and would do anything that was needed to make sure of this.