According to Officer Brietzke, the Delaware State Police follows a militaristic ranking structure starting with Trooper being the first rank an officer receives moving upward to Trooper First Class, Corporal, Corporal Grade One, Senior Corporal, Master Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and finally the top rank of Colonel. Under the rank …show more content…
Currently, Officer Brietzke is assigned to Troop 2 in the Criminal Investigative Unit as a School Resource Officer at the alternative placement Wallace Wallin School in New Castle, Delaware. He started with the Delaware State Police as a road Trooper at Troop 1 for his first three months of duty after graduating the academy. After completing field training, Officer Brietzke was re-assigned to Troop 6. During his time in Troop 6, he was assigned to specifically work on interstate I-95 handling crash investigations, traffic safety, and any criminal investigations that may have occurred during the course of his shift. He also has a lateral duty as an adjunct Firearms Instructor, and has assisted with training a number of new recruit classes as well as divisional recertification over the years. Officer Brietzke remained at Troop 6 until he was assigned his current position as a School Resource Officer. While there are many requirements needed to become a Delaware State Trooper, education is a …show more content…
Working conditions vary greatly based on factors such as location, staffing levels and the number of incident reports. Police and detective work can be physically demanding, stressful, and dangerous, especially compared to most other jobs. Police officers have one of the highest rates of injuries and illnesses of all occupations. Working around the clock in shifts is common. He also described how working as a police officer brings on a range of emotions. It can leave an officer feeling satisfied, rewarded, sad, disgruntled, lonely, and fulfilled, all in the same shift. In addition, Officer Brietzke commented on how currently, there is an unfortunate rise in anti-Police rhetoric that is greatly affecting how the officers do their jobs. This has created a barrier between the Police and the people they are there to protect. Police moral is, in his opinion, is at an all-time low. He believes moral has not been this low since the Rodney King incident many years ago and how it greatly hinders officers when just about every news and social media site fuels the fire without first obtaining all the