Which this was quite obvious. Per usual, the Europeans lived more of a lavish life compared to the Arabic’s. The Europeans lived by the sea in a city that was more up to date and with amenities such as cars, and shopping stores. Whereas, the Arabic’s lived in old run down and impoverished areas. Here you have the French living a lush life and then you have the Arabic’s living a completely different life. This living condition just went to show how oppressed the Algerians …show more content…
Not only are the Algerians fighting for their independence from France but the use of terror violence is inevitable by both sides. Especially the rebels, around the topic of independence they were willing to do whatever it took to gain there independence even if it meant to kill. Through all the frustration and pain there was an initial act of violence by the FLN against a French security officer in the city, to which the FLN did indeed claim responsibility for this very public act against an authority figure. Algerian women were influenced to take a part within this freedom movement, and without them the war would not have lasted the long eight months that it did. So much so, that after French citizens bombed Casbah they took it upon themselves to disguise themselves as European or “French” women in order to cross the town’s checkpoint so they could leave bombs in public places where French citizens were expected to be. They planted bombs in the two cafes, club and as well as the Air France