An example of an internal journey is someone overcoming a bout of depression. People must overcome all of the self-doubt and negative thoughts they have toward themselves. This is a journey when people must better themselves through it and become stronger. An internal journey I have made is overcoming social anxiety. When I was younger it was very hard for me to go beyond my comfort zone. I was never a popular kid and I had trouble approaching other people my age because I was afraid of being judged, but, as the years progressed, I overcame my fear of what other people think. Every journey that someone experiences is what pushes and pulls them down this long, winding path called life. Each time we experience a journey, we learn new things, meet new people, and discover new things about ourselves. When we complete a journey, it can alter the way we think and even change the path we decide to take in life. The end of a journey marks a milestone in a person’s life and it becomes a permanent part of who that person is or has become. Journeys help us to grow as human beings and better us in ways we may not be able to
An example of an internal journey is someone overcoming a bout of depression. People must overcome all of the self-doubt and negative thoughts they have toward themselves. This is a journey when people must better themselves through it and become stronger. An internal journey I have made is overcoming social anxiety. When I was younger it was very hard for me to go beyond my comfort zone. I was never a popular kid and I had trouble approaching other people my age because I was afraid of being judged, but, as the years progressed, I overcame my fear of what other people think. Every journey that someone experiences is what pushes and pulls them down this long, winding path called life. Each time we experience a journey, we learn new things, meet new people, and discover new things about ourselves. When we complete a journey, it can alter the way we think and even change the path we decide to take in life. The end of a journey marks a milestone in a person’s life and it becomes a permanent part of who that person is or has become. Journeys help us to grow as human beings and better us in ways we may not be able to